Toa Tahu is thhe Toa of fire, he is the most fiersest out of all of the Toa but not the most powerful, Tahu
lives in Ta-Koro wich is in an active volcano, Tahu and can withstand extreme heats. Tahu jumps into battles without thinking
twice about it.
Toa Pohatu is the Toa of stone he is the friendliest out of all the Toa, Pohatu will sland up for any of
the other Toa. Pohatu is well known for is powerful kicks, he can kick boulders very very far. Pohatu can also climb very
well with his claw-tools. Pohato lives in Po-Koro the land of stone.
Toa Onua the Toa of earth. Onua is also a friendley Toa. Onua is the most powerful of the six Toa, he can
break through any obstacle and can push extremely hevy objects. Onua lives in Onu-Koro. Onua mines in caves with the Onu-Koroan.
Toa Lewa the Toa of air. He wields two swords that helps him glide long distances. Lewa can make twisters or anything that
has to do with air. Lewa lives in Le-koro the great jungles of Mata-Nui.